Tuesday 18 March 2014

You're invited to the York pantomime

Everyone is invited to the York pantomime!  There's a long history going back many years, and for those of you who have taken part of attended over recent years will know that this is a show not to be missed.  Members of the York 1 and York 2 Wards plus friends from near and far - have been working hard to put together this year's spectacular.  It's free to attend, but you do need to call or email and request tickets as spaces are limited.  See the poster below for details:

Saturday 15 March 2014

Harrogate Ward Conference

  Two Sundays ago (23rd February) saw the 52nd Annual Harrogate Ward Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints held at the local Chapel on Wetherby Road; where members and friends gathered from across the 108 villages and hamlets that make up the Harrogate Ward to worship and be uplifted together.

  Attendees were able to experience beautiful music, provided by the ward choir, and if you arrived early enough you would have heard the tranquil tones of a harp expertly played by a local member. Stake, or regional, leaders were also in attendance and offered high praise to the members for their many acts of service given throughout the year. Goals for the upcoming year, personal experiences and teachings from the scriptures were then shared to the edification of all. The conference closed with an opportunity to enjoy a lunch, kindly donated by the local members, and to renew old friendships and make new ones!

  Bishop of two years, Spencer McKeown opened the conference and shared his desire for the ward to increase in unity, ensuring that no one misses out. He invited all of us to focus on Christ – allowing Him to change our hearts. 1st Counsellor in the Stake Presidency, Kent Mayall related the importance of keeping the commandments and the safety and true joy they provide, to the precise procedures carried out on the ‘USS Ronald Reagan Aircraft Carrier’, that ensures safety to a crew of over 6000.

  President Roy Tunicliffe, who presides over the York Stake (which includes areas such as: Harrogate, Scarborough and Pontefract) expounded on the Stake goal for 2014 to find joy in the journey. As we learn from the Plan of Salvation, a fullness of joy will only be available to us after this life. But, as President Tunicliffe reminded us, it is also God’s intention for us to find joy in this lifetime – a lesson that took the Children of Israel 40 years to learn after escaping captivity in Egypt. He then shared 4 ways that can help us to find joy:
  1)    Repentance
  2)    Keeping the Commandments, allowing us to have the companionship of the Holy 
  3)    Expressing love to our families
  4)    By inviting friends and neighbours to come unto Christ.

  The Harrogate Ward Conference has always been a time for reflection and renewal – a time to really cement in those New Year’s Resolutions! This year has been no exception. By following the inspired counsel that has been given, joy can be found in this journey through life.

We thought it would be fun to make a cake to mark the occasion! Many thanks to Nancy Smith and all who helped organise the Munch & Mingle.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Pictures from the 'Western Evening'

The 'Western Evening' held on the 1st March was a lot of fun.  Many friends and families joined for this outstanding activity where there was a bucking bronco, a variety of live music acts, games, line dancing, country dancing - and of course some great food.  Those involved in organising the event went all out create the western theme everywhere you looked, and it was great that so many people came dressed for the occasion too.  A big thank you to everyone involved!

Here's a selection of some pictures from the evening: